Celebrate Earth Day 2024 by Volunteering with Keep Myrtle Beach Beautiful

Celebrate Earth Day 2024 by Volunteering with Keep Myrtle Beach Beautiful

Litter Removal and Beautification Activities to be Held at Withers Swash Park on April 22

MYRTLE BEACH, S.C.—Keep Myrtle Beach Beautiful (KMMB) is calling on volunteers to help clean up and beautify Myrtle Beach’s Withers Swash Park on Earth Day, Monday, April 22, 2024, from 9 to 11 a.m.

Volunteers can check in at the registration booth located at the Withers Swash Park pavilion, 314 Withers Swash Drive in Myrtle Beach.

Keep Myrtle Beach Beautiful will provide trash bags, safety vests, easy-reach grabbers, refreshments and complimentary t-shirts while supplies last.

Withers Swash is a tidal creek estuary where saltwater from the ocean and stormwater from impervious areas mix. The swash runs from the Atlantic Ocean to U.S. Highway 501, running along 3rd Ave. South and includes several small inland tributaries and a small lake just north of Kings Highway.

This unique natural habitat includes several city parks and recreational areas, a boardwalk, open spaces and road easements—all of which will be swept for litter on Earth Day.

Anyone interested in volunteering can learn more and register in advance at KeepMyrtleBeachBeautiful.com.