Top 10 Reasons Why

Your Myrtle Beach Area Chamber of Commerce is a sound business decision that offers multiple opportunities for success. Follow this Top 10 list to learn more about what your chamber can do for you.
The chamber’s programs are designed to help your company prosper. All you have to do is get involved! Chamber investors are encouraged to “remember a stakeholder” when fulfilling business and personal needs for goods and services.
This is one of the most important benefits of membership. The chamber provides networking opportunities such as Business Before, During and After Hours, B2B Speed Networking, Chamber Access-Investor Orientation, Grand Strand Young Professionals, and Leadership Grand Strand.
Chamber membership sends your customers the right message – yours is a reputable company that actively participates in the local business community. Investors are encouraged to display the Myrtle Beach Area Chamber of Commerce membership seal at their business locations, on their website, company materials, and in their advertisements.
We’ve partnered with companies to negotiate special pricing on the products and services our investors use most. By taking advantage of one or more of these offers, your business will see a return on your membership investment immediately. BlueCross BlueShield of South Carolina offers MBACC stakeholders flexible options to build a health care plan that works for you. Receive unbeatable discounts on your office supplies, office furniture, technology, copy/print, and much more at FSIoffice and OfficeDepot/OfficeMax through ODP Solutions. View all money-saving programs.
Advertising opportunities that boost exposure are available and affordable in several of the chamber’s publications, online at VisitMyrtleBeach.com and MyrtleBeachAreaChamber.com, and sponsorship of community and chamber events. Membership directory listings, visitor center display racks, and more are designed to increase investors’ exposure and recognition. Plus, the chamber recognizes its stakeholders at the annual meeting with business awards. Chamber committees also are a way to become an active investor and receive recognition.
The Business Resource Center at your chamber can help you achieve your business goals. From guidelines for starting a new business to complimentary membership in the S.C. Chamber of Commerce and U.S. Chamber of Commerce, your chamber is here to help you improve your bottom line.
The chamber’s Advocacy Council develops a legislative agenda communicating the chamber’s positions and top priorities on state, local and federal issues affecting the area’s citizens and business community.
Throughout the year the chamber offers seminars to enhance your professional development and grow your business.
The Myrtle Beach Area Convention and Visitors Bureau website is the official destination website for the Myrtle Beach area of South Carolina. Here visitors will find unlimited activities, Myrtle Beach area hotels, dining and shopping. With our Membership+ program, tourism-related businesses that join the chamber are automatically listed on VisitMyrtleBeach.com.
Our user-friendly website helps you stay connected through member news, chamber news, and our events calendar with automatic email reminders.
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