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MBACC Committees

Myrtle Beach Area Chamber of Commerce exists to promote, protect and improve Grand Strand businesses. The chamber does so through the work of its board of directors and committees, as well as special task forces appointed as needed. Committees are chaired by members of our board of directors who serve a one-year term and are comprised of representatives of investor businesses and organizations. If you’re interested in serving on a committee, please submit our interest form.

For a list of scheduled committee meetings, please visit our online calendar. For other information related to committees, you may email the information desk at Myrtle Beach Area Chamber of Commerce or call 843-626-7444.

The Advocacy Council facilitates a unified effort in advocacy of pro-Grand Strand, pro-business public policy. The council monitors public policy trends and issues for potential impact on the private sector and/or Grand Strand. It also reviews local/state/federal legislation and initiatives and strategically collaborates to enhance success in the public policy arena.

The Business Development Committee oversees the programs and services designed to benefit the chamber’s investors and serves as the voice of small business.

The Community Engagement Council works to improve the community via time, talents and investment in distinct projects.

The Finance Review Committee reviews regular financial statements of the chamber and oversees the audit and budget process.

The Ignite Women’s Council’s mission is to empower and support women in our community by providing opportunities to connect and exchange ideas, celebrate accomplishments and champion growth and success. This council helps plan the annual Ignite Women’s Conference.

The Marketing Council oversees policy making and resource allocation specifically by and for tourism promotional efforts of the chamber.

The Lodging Director of Sales Committee learns more about the Convention and Visitors Bureau’s efforts to promote the destination through group sales efforts and communicates the needs of the properties and to ensure that the properties are maximizing their investment with the chamber and CVB.

The Nonprofit Council aims to promote the sustainability and growth of the chamber’s nonprofit organizations and strengthen their role in the Grand Strand community. This council provides networking opportunities, educational presentations, collaboration, and advocacy.

The Young Professionals Steering Committee works to provide constructive social networking, professional development, and community engagement to young professionals in and around the Grand Strand.

Lists of committee members and past meeting minutes are available on our CVB Partner Connect website.

What’s Happening

Myrtle Beach Holds Second Annual “Cleanin’ for the Season” Event to Beautify City for Spring

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Matt Pivarnik Named President & CEO of Myrtle Beach Area Chamber and CVB

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