Business Before, During or After Hours
For networking in a fun, relaxing atmosphere, look no further than a Business Before, During or After Hours.
Business After Hours is the premier networking event for business professionals. This program gives individuals the opportunity to discuss and share ideas while learning about other local businesses. It is a relationship-building experience held in a relaxed setting that benefits you and your company through added contacts and resources. This networking event for professionals is held monthly at various locations throughout the Grand Strand area. All investor businesses and their employees are invited to this free monthly gathering.
Can My Business Host?
Chamber investors in good standing are eligible to host an event! Most commonly, these events are held as after hours events beginning between 4 and 5:30 p.m. and lasting two hours. They are held at various chamber investor business locations with anywhere from 75-300 attendees. Food and beverages are provided by the sponsor business along with door prizes. In return, you receive free promotion in our emails to stakeholders and on the event calendar on our website and can receive a free one-month banner ad on our website and a membership mailing list if requested.
If your business is too small for a large crowd, consider hosting a Business Before or During Hours or you may contact another chamber investor with a larger facility to co-host an event.
Interested in hosting a Business Before, During or After Hours? Submit an online host contract form
Register for Business After Hours
CEO Roundtable
CEO Roundtables are invite only events open to executive level leaders at chamber member businesses. These roundtable events aim to give the C-Suite leaders a space to network, collaborate and learn. Get on the list – if you’re a senior executive at your business or organization and not receiving the invites, email Kema Parsley to be added to the list.