Small Business Association Hire and Retain Employees Guide

Hire and Retain Employees – Ready to hire employees for your business? Learn about employment and labor laws to make sure your business is in compliance.
Connecting employers and job seekers
Job Connections
Job Connections is your one-stop shop for businesses to find valuable employees and job seekers to find your dream job!
Use our Job Board to find a career or advertise open jobs. Chamber investors can post jobs for free and noninvestors can post openings for a small fee.
Visit Job BoardFinding quality employees is a difficult and competitive process. Your Myrtle Beach Area Chamber of Commerce recognizes that companies need to invest and reach out in order to find the best people that fit for their business. We want companies in the Myrtle Beach area to have a streamlined process and to take advantage of the resources the community has to offer.
Check our resources for employers to help recruit and retain talent.
In today’s marketplace, having the right people on your team is critical
Resources for Employers
Is your company looking for good, local employees? Develop your workforce with us. Myrtle Beach Area Chamber investors may post jobs at no charge. We invite you to visit the Job Bank and see how easy it is to post jobs online and view resumes of job seekers!
Job BankIf your business is having a job fair, be sure to post it on the chamber’s event calendar for prospective employees to see.
Submit Job FairsHire and Retain Employees – Ready to hire employees for your business? Learn about employment and labor laws to make sure your business is in compliance.
Tax Information for Businesses With Employees – If you hire employees there is information that you need to secure for your records and forms that you must complete.
Businesses hiring people who were previously incarcerated may be eligible for tax credits and grant programs.
According to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, an estimated 70 million people in the U.S. have an arrest or conviction record and more than 600,000 people are released from jail each year. Tax credits and grant programs are an incentive for businesses to give people with criminal records a second chance.
Use this guide from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce to learn more about the second chance incentives.
A registered apprenticeship is an employer-sponsored flexible training program that cultivates highly skilled workers who meet the workforce demands of a competitive global economy. Through Apprenticeship Carolina, apprenticeship consultants are available, at no charge to employers, to guide companies through the registered apprenticeship development process from initial information to full recognition in the National Registered Apprenticeship System.
Apprenticeships – A Unique Opportunity to Grow Your Workforce – Check out this webinar to discover the benefits for employers, including a highly skilled workforce, state tax credit, standardized training, reduced turnover, increased productivity, and a reliable plan for the future.
In today’s tight labor market, sponsoring an intern can be a significant way to lure new talent. In addition, student interns can meet short-term needs for extra assistance and bring enthusiasm and current industry knowledge.
Many of the region’s most valuable workers come from the area’s own vast educational system. The availability of our varied higher education choices creates an extremely well-educated base of residents.
Looking for a new job? A better job? You have come to the right place. Find what you need to know about available jobs, our fantastic education system, and great tips on how to build your resume and prepare for the interview.
Access tools to help you find your dream career.
Quick access to what you need to get started on building your career
Resources for Job Seekers
Are you looking for a job or wanting to change careers? If so, we encourage you to explore this page where you will find job fairs, links to education sites, employment agencies and more!
Ready to start your career search? Search our Job Board and discover job openings with Myrtle Beach Area Chamber of Commerce investors and submit your resume.
Job BoardMany of the region’s most valuable workers come from the area’s own vast educational system.
See Entire List of MBACC Member Colleges/Universities
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